make peace with drinking on public transportation.

easily amused.

yeah that's a taxicab. in the uk, newcastles drank by girls indicate, uh... being dudes.

in the uk we'd all be famous.


rock of rum giggle....2.

michael's band. UH!

and michael.
let me tell you a little story about portsmouth.

first of all i just really like this picture of rosie.

and pete is an excellent dancer.

which is why that happened.

cheap vodka and red bull was like my 4th kind of alcoholic beverage. yikes.

might explain why i don't remember this.

and why when this picture was taken i had been carried out of the club by security and had called kat to say "i need help. help. i don't know where i am." she asked if i was inside or outside and i said "i don't know." i then stuck my fingers down my throat behind a dumpster, failed, walked to catch a cab in front of the club, and then threw up by the entrance in the street. win.

disgusting, but indicative of the 3rd rum giggle adventure.

awkward but indicative of the best club i've ever been to. they could have been singing a number of things, but whatever it was i guarantee my itunes is familiar with it. heavenly.
spring break delivered, and somehow coming home didn't feel like surrender.
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