i see 18 year old couples every day now, and so many times the "good girl" and the "bad boyfriend" are in the hall and she's freaking out about his phone ringing or getting a text. and the guy is all exasperated and she's all mad. and i want to be like, seriously? dude, make sure your phone is clean and just let her clear her paranoia, and girl, unless you want to marry the dude, just leave it alone. you don't want to know the things young dudes (and old dudes) will say to anyone to ease their insecurities. at the same time, little girl, if that's all it is you're probably lucky. i've seen both, and is flirtation for an ego boost disappointing? yes. but reading about sexual encounters of the second, third, fourth, and fifth kind is way, way worse.
basically i'm lucky that the boyfriend i had when i was 18 only made me cry about another girl because she told him she liked him and he said he had a girlfriend that he loved very much. brett klein, you damn saint. and thank god i'm not 18 anymore... that shit was wacky.
"a pimp tells the truth and keeps them all on deck. cheaters and liars are just that, not pimps."
-jennifer christensen
"who knew modern technology would just give people more ways to be scumbags?"
-rachel arias
"i can't tell if it's crazier that smarmy used to be so appealing, or that it isn't anymore... i guess that means we're growing up."